Photo 11: Introduction to Digital Imaging

Instructor: Sue Leith,

Office Hours, MondayÕs 1-2    MRP 2011.



The purpose of this course is to introduce students to digital equipment and techniques as applied to photographs.  Hardware (computers, digital cameras) and software are discussed and utilized in the class. The rights and responsibilities of copyright law and ethical and legal issues will also be covered in the course. 


Photo 11 is a photography class.  All components of these assignments must be created from your own photographs or combinations of your photographs and/or your illustrations. Do not use type, unless specifically allowed in the category description. Please Note: You will be graded higher if you use strong, pleasing, interesting, emotional, well-composed and well-exposed images. DonÕt waste time using your Photoshop skill on poor images.  No matter how well you learn the Photoshop program, you must also have strong images to do well in the course.



1. Twelve Original Images: At least one image must come from each category below, and

five images must combine more than one photograph. Students may use film, or digital

cameras. If you arenÕt sure if your camera is appropriate – ask.

2. Classroom Exercises: Approximately fifteen to twenty classroom exercises.

3. Final Exam: Two-part, objective & practical, exam.

4. Quizzes: Four or five unannounced, short quizzes covering required reading.



 Your final grade will be determined by your percentage of the following 550 points.

1. In-class Exercises. 100 points

    Exercises must be completed in class on the day assigned and are graded pass/fail.

2. First Submission   ¥ Three images ¥ 100 points

3. Second Submission  ¥ Four Images ¥ 100 points

4. Final Submission  ¥ Five Images ¥ 100 points

5. Final Exam ¥ 100 points

6. Surprise Quizzes on required reading ¥ Four to Five ¥ 50 points


Image Evaluation

These factors will be considered in grading work submitted:

1. Technical quality of original image.

2. Imagination or emotional impact.

3. Visual organization and/or design (composition). See Visual Checklist Handout for reference.

4. Success in assignment execution including clarity and originality of concept.

5. Use of digital tools and techniques. (More is not always better, subtlety encouraged.) Adherence to size, resolution and naming guidelines is imperative. Images not sized and/or named correctly will receive 1/3rd lower grade. For example if you receive a ÒBÓ but do not size all of your images correctly it will become a ÒB-Ó. This applies to all submissions.


BOOKS & Supplies

Required Text: Adobe Photoshop CS2 Studio Techniques by Ben Willmore.

Computer Disks: Jump (or USB) drive recommended, and/or blank CDR or CDRW



1. Hand-Colored Start with a b&w or color image, and color parts of the image. Part of the final image should be in color, part in b&w or sepia toned.

2. Environmental Portrait. This should be a portrait of someone photographed in one place, and put into another. For example, a portrait photographed inside and placed outside. Be careful to match lighting direction and color. No flash please.  (Must combine more than one image or images.)

3. Retouch.  This should be an extensive retouch of a personÕs face.  Alternative subject matter, for example retouching an old, damaged photograph may be used for this category with instructorÕs advance approval. Challenge yourself; donÕt just fix a blemish or two.

4. Product This photograph could be used for advertising in a magazine or other publication.  The product should stand out through the use of color, light, focus etc.  Type is allowed, but not required.

5. Idiom. Create an image illustrating an idiom. like Òa horse of a different colorÓ or Òpie in the skyÓ. CanÕt think of one? Type ÒidiomÓ in Google and youÕll get a long list of ideas. Type is allowed, but not required.

6. CD cover or Promotional Piece for a real or fictional business, a photographer, a designer or other professional. Size your work appropriately, for example, a CD cover MUST be 5x5 inches, a business card 2x3.5 inches. Type is allowed, but not required. 

7. Forgery Choose an artistic style, impressionism, modernism, surrealism, cubism, for example, and make a photograph based on that style. A portrait where you move the facial features to create a stylized version of a Picasso would fit this category. Your final image must look more like a drawing or painting than a photograph, but should not be a copy of a specific work. Create your own original artwork. Have fun! Although you may start this one anytime we will learn ways of doing this later in the semester so you may want to hold off and turn this in for your last submission.

8. Free For this category use any of the above categories again, or choose any strong image (see visual checklist to help you judge strength.)  Make sure to color and tonal correct and, if needed, dodge, burn etc.



Regular, on-time attendance of lectures, as well as prompt observance of deadlines will be considered in grading.  Attendance will be taken, though not necessarily aloud. Classroom exercises may be used for attendance therefore: IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE ALL CLASSROOM EXERCISES ARE RECEIVED BEFORE LEAVING CLASS. Missing more than three lectures will result in the loss of one letter grade for the course.



October 12th is the last day to drop for a serious and compelling reason.  This requires the permission of the instructor, Design Chair, and the Dean of The College of Arts and Letters.

Incomplete grades are discouraged since there is no space available in the computer lab for students not registered in class during a given semester. Incomplete grades require a serious and compelling reason, as well as instructor and department chair permission.

Disability Accommodations If you require accommodation or assistance with assignments, tests, attendance, etc. you need to provide disability documentation to SSWD, Lassen Hall 1008, 916.278.6955. Please also notify the instructor by the beginning of the 3rd week of the semester.


                                                Class and reading schedule               


Week 1: September 5th

Wed: Intro; No reading due


Week 2: September 10th & 12th

Mon: Digital Cameras: Bring your camera and manual, if you have one. No reading due

Wed: Navigating, Chapter 1: 6-22, 24-25, 28-top 33, 49 (Bridge) – top 55


Week 3: September 17th & 19th

Mon: Selections, Chapter 2: 62 – top 67, 72 (lasso) – 89

Wed: Layers, Chapter 3: 94 – 111 & 116 – end


Week 4:  September 24th & 26th

Mon: Resample, Chapter 4: 128 – top 132 (stop before laser), 142–end

Wed: Adj. Layers, Chapter 3: 112, & Chapter 10: 278 – top (stop before color to grayscale) 287, 304 – top 307


Week 5:  October 1st & 3rd

Mon: National Geographic Photographers, No reading due

Wed: CHANGE:Bring some of your images to work on in class: 2nd half of class will be open lab
Adj. Layers, Chapter 11: 310 – 316, 320 – 321 Layer masks


Week 6:  October 8th & 10th

Mon: Auto color vs. manual, Chapter 5: 150- top 157 Chapter 6: 190-191

Wed: CHANGE: review color/tonal changes &, Sharpening, Chapter 12: 342 - 345 


Week 7:  October 15th & 17th

Mon: Review submission guidelines, No Reading due, Open Lab

Wed: Open Lab: 1st Sub. Due by end of class: 3 images required including: Hand-color, 2 Free


Week 8:  October 22nd & 24th

Mon: Review 1st Intro to curves, No Reading due

Wed:  Curves, Chapter 6: 168 – 177 (skim), 178 – 182, 187 (Color) - top 189, 196 – end.


Week 9: October 29th & 31st

Mon: Retouch: Chapter 16: 482 - 492

Wed: More Retouch & Clone Stamp Tool: Chapter 16: 493 – 498


Week 10: November 5th & 7th

Mon: Begin compositing, Chapter 15: 441 – 445

Wed: CHANGE: type: bring your own images for CD or biz card


Week 11: November 12th & 14th 

Mon: Campus closed, no class

Wed: Open Lab: 2nd Submission Due by end of class: 4 images required including: Retouch, CD/promo, Product and Free.  At least two of your images must combine one or more images or portions of different images. Turn in a .jpg copy of the original image used for retouch (see handout for naming and sizing guidelines).


Week 12: November 19th & 21st

Mon: - CHANGE: Cancel extract reading: More Compositing & Liquify Filter,

Wed: Eraser, Chapter 14: 394 – top 402 (stop before extract)


Week 13: November 26th & 28th

Mon: Blend Modes, Chapter 13: (skim), Exam Review Handout

Wed: Art Filters & Clipping masks, Chapter 15: 429, 432


Week 14:  December 3rd & 5th

Mon: Ethics & Copyright: Be prepared to participate

Wed: Exam


Week 15:  December 10th, 12th & 14th

Friday 14th

Mon: Hand back, and go over exam, Open Lab

Wed: Open Lab

Fri: Final Submission Due No Later than noon: 5 images required including: Idiom, Environmental portrait, Forgery and 2 Free. At least three of your images must combine one or more images or portions of different images.           


Work must be placed in appropriate folder on the server. Final grades will be posted to CASPER no later than Wednesday, December 19th. Call 278-6550 after noon, December 17th for a recorded message regarding grade-posting information. Final submission will be critiqued ONLY for students who request a critique and submit a self-addressed stamped envelope to Instructor on or before the end of class Wednesday May 16th. If no critique is requested your grade will be posted directly to CASPER.


Back up your work

Instructor is not responsible for server, computer, disk or other errors.



This schedule is subject to alteration.

Changes will be announced in class.





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